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Communities Resolving Our Problems: the basic idea
[SUP: Finding Problems] [THINK: Shaping Problems] [LEAP: Solving Problems]
"I know you won't believe me, but the highest form of Human Excellence
is to question oneself and others."
Socrates, 469–399 BC

THINK: Shaping Questions

In a hurry? Here is quick help to pose a question, a "cheat sheet" of key verbs and model questions to evoke different categories of the revised Bloom's Taxonomy for different instructional strategies. Such questions play critical roles in the problem processing models for many content areas.

Time for Deeper Reflection?

To grow, both as individuals and as communities, we must reveal problems within the culture that surrounds us and grow teams that will address them. How do we develop our thinking to forge the best questions and the best answers?

Rodin's statue the thinker

"The Thinker"

sculpture by Rodin

To best shape the question means choosing a form of the question or problem that leads to the best way to solve the problem. Higher order thinking skills form the fundamental building blocks that are assembled in ever larger patterns of questioning. We are challenged as leaders and as learners at each stage of problem processing to continually push out against the boundaries of our prior education and to frame problems in useful ways. Even the simplest of procedures such as Questioning Your Notes can be used to support an array of thinking skills. 




In the bulb there is a flower; in the seed, an apple tree;
in cocoons, a hidden promise: butterflies will soon be free! Natalie Sleeth

[Pub: v1. 1/19/99;  v1.2 updated 10/9/08  |  Page author Houghton]