animated question seederletters cropanimated question seeder
Communities Resolving Our Problems: the basic idea
[SUP: Finding Problems] [THINK: Shaping Problems] [LEAP: Solving Problems]

Still Unsolved Problems (SUP) Web Sites:
Trade Questions & Build Answers

The quest quotient has always excited me more than the intelligence quotient....
Only the curious will learn and only the resolute overcome the obstacles to learning.   Eugene S. Wilson

Inventing and sharing questions is critical for thriving in our global setting of accelerating change and exploding information resources. The process of creating questions is also central to the higher ordering thinking skills that are central to 21st century skills and the Common Core curriculum now reaching national adoption status. The agendas of Dewey, Piaget and Friere have never had such an opportunity laden environment. People intelligence can be more powerful than search intelligence, if you can find the right group and system for collaboration.

Below are different approaches for offline and online public and private social questioning tools, providing a growing array of Web systems for students and all citizens to ask questions of and with other people and organizations, to quantify answers, to make voting decisions, and to work out solving or fixing problems. Their rapid growth is an indication that people intelligence is growing in value and importance alongside the growing value and use of computer intelligence. One of these Q&A systems, Yahoo Answers, reported hitting one billion answers on May 3, 2010. The 311 systems for reporting, escalating and solving non-emergency community problems are also rapidly growing in function and use.


WonderWall: Motivating, simple paper-based questioning management systems that do not require Net access, yet work well in complement with it in classrooms and all types of organizations.


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Free Open Source Q&A Software

  1. Question2Answer
  2. Shapado
  3. OSQA

Paid Answers SUP tools:

  1. Gurzua
  2. WhyDoesMyPet
  3. Werlive
  4. Kasamba
  5. Bumperbrain
  6. Ether
  7. Fixya
  8. AskAgent
  9. JustAnswer
  10. Cornbrain

Free search/answerers paid

  1. ChaCha (description)
  2. Fixya

Free SUP tools (Awards):

  1. Jelly (description)
  2. Quora (description)
  3. Answers (description)
  4. LinkedIn (description)
  5. AnswerBag (description)
  6. LocalMind (description)
  7. FaceBook Questions (description)
  8. Live QnA (description)
  9. Yahoo Answers (description)
  10. NineSigma (description)
  11. InnoCentive (description)
  12. 3form Free Knowledge Exchange (description)
  13. Ask MetaFilter (description)
  14. Oyogi (description)
  15. Askville (description)
  16. StackOverflow (description)
  17. StackExchange sites
  18. Mahalo (description)
  19. AllExperts
  20. AskMe Help Desk
  21. Rediff Get Ahead Q & A (description)
  22. WikiHow (description)
  23. Wikipedia: Reference Desk (description)
  24. The AnswerBank
  25. Answerly
  26. Free Knowledge Exchange
  27. GirlsAskGuys (description)
  28. Askeet (description)
  29. Lycos iQ (description)
  30. ProfNet (description)
  31. WikiAnswers (description)
  32. HelpGlobe
  33. Knowledge Search or Knowledge iN (Korean) (description)
  34. Google Questions and Answers, Russian (description)
  35. BuzzDash
  36. ToAnswer (Twitter mashup)


  1. Aardvark (description)

Expert Networks

  1. Ask an ePals Teacher (based on Yedda)


Fee based SUP tools:

  1. Collaborize (4 specialty variations)
  2. SalesForce Desk
  3. uClue (description)
  4. AnsMart
  5. Bananask
  6. Any Question Answered, AQA or AQA 63336 (description)
  7. Texperts (description)
  8. 199query

Expert Networks

  1. Minti


  1. TechDirt Insight Community
  2. Experts Exchange for IT (description)
  3. Fixya
  1. Coleman Research
  2. Gerson Lehrman Group
  3. Guidepoint Global
  4. Primary Insight
  5. Vista Research
  6. KnowledgeBid


MSN QnA (description)


Community 311 Services Examples

  1. Open311
  2. SeeClickFix
  3. FixMyStreet
  4. BlockChalk
  5. Ushahidi
  6. Others

Organizational 311 Systems

  1. Get Satisfaction
  2. UserVoice



These question-answer based systems have 3 major categories of financial support: free (with and without advertising); pay the question asker; or pay the answer finder. A significant subset of such systems has emerged that is being called expert networks. Understanding the role and value of questioning is important for a wide range of personal, educational, social and economic needs.

The links in the above table represent the growth of additional systems to go beyond the power of the common search engines such as Google's. The above Q&A and 311 systems address those questions which cannot be easily answered or solved by search engines and therefore require the direct application of human intelligence and human action. These links lead to online question databases that are capable of going "beyond the basic" question or problem and responses to the higher order questions that emerge as those seeking answers get deeper into their projects and activities. To date, there is no compiled report of the total traffic (number of questions and responses) on these Q&A and 311 sites.

Q&A sites allow question answers to go beyond basic recall questions for which search engines such as Google are effective. Seach engine activity is being measured and reported. It provides a hint of the quantity of questioning in which human culture is engaged. By 2008 were 22.4 billion search engine queries in April, 2008 at the top 10 Asia-Pacific Search Engines: (Comscore, 2008) and 38.6 billion in September of 2009 (Comscore, 2009), a 58% growth in monthly searching. There were 137 billion searches at the five U.S. core search engines in 2008, representing an annual increase of 21 percent versus the previous year (Comscore, 2009). By 2009, global search totals were running over 100 billion a month (Comscore, August, 2009), meaning trillions a year. In just the U.S. in April 2010, 15.5 billion (Comscore, 2010) searches were completed, putting the U.S. on target for a 73% increase over 2008. However, that does not indicate what percent of those searches led to satisfactory answers. The Comscore search engine reports can be thought of as a measure of the foundation level or first floor of the world's questioning.


Other branches of the CROP site serve to share people, ideas, tools (apps and methods) and related information and steps that may resolve the problem and reach the goal of answering the question and/or fixing the problem. All the CROP site's branches represent elements of the knowledge market or knowledge economy.


"I know you won't believe me, but the highest form of Human Excellence is to question oneself and others."

Socrates, 469–399 BC

Updated 12/8/2013 Version 5.02 |  Page author: Houghton