Still Image Bibliography

Bibliographies: Still - Audio - Video - 2D - 3D - Sensor - interact - MM


Elements and Principles of Design Posters. Teacher's Guide. (1996). Eric Microfiche Document: ED406289.

Descriptors. Major: Art Education; Design; Graphic Arts; Visual Arts
Minor: Art; Creative Thinking; Elementary Secondary Education; Problem Solving; Teaching Guides

 Abstract: This book accompanies a poster series and allows the teacher to pre-plan a lesson or activity for students with the objectives shown for each element or principle of design to be presented. Along with a black-and-white reproduction of each poster, major concepts are discussed. Suggested student activities relating to a particular element or principle are included. Elements addressed include: (1) line; (2) shape; (3) form; (4) color; (5) value; (6) texture; and (7) space. Principles of design include: (1) balance; (2) movement; (3) rhythm; (4) contrast; (5) emphasis; (6) pattern; and (7) unity. A 19-item bibliography concludes the booklet. (EH).

Digital Ethics: Computers, Photographs, and the Manipulation of Pixels. by Mercedes, Dawn Art Education; v49 n3 p44-50 May 1996.

Draze, Dianne; Palouda, Annelise (1992). Design Studio. Eric Microfiche Document: ED406286.

Major: Art Education; Design; Graphic Arts; Visual Arts
Minor: Art; Creative Thinking; Elementary Education; Problem Solving
Abstract: This book presents information about 10 areas of design, with the main emphasis on graphic design. One section presents the creative problem solving process and provides practice in using this process to solve design problems. Students are given a glimpse of other areas of design, including fashion, industrial, architectural, decorative, environmental, urban, and interior. A project is provided for each area. The book is intended to provide beginning design students with information on the basic concepts and principles of design and allow practice in applying the concepts. Each chapter includes a reproducible information page and projects to allow students to apply what they have learned. Elements of design presented include: (1) unity; (2) repetition; (3) variety; (4) movement; (5) balance; (6) emphasis; (7) economy; (8) proportion; (9) color; and (10) space.

Web Pages

Elements of Design

  • Absence of Ugliness by Rick Altman
  • Cookbook ideas from
  • DocB's Web Design Clinic
  • Graphic Design Sites from
  • Web Directories on Graphics

    Google's Directory on Graphics

    Yahoo's Directory on Graphics

    College Videodisc Collection

    Each videodisc can hold up to 54,000 images on one side of a videodisc. Videodiscs come in two formats. The long play format allows 60 minutes of video per side. The short play format holds 30 minutes per side but provides an identification number for each track so that each image can be accessed immediately and directly by a videodisc player. Single images and videoclips then can be mixed on one videodisc. This makes the videodisc a very good and fast tool for storage of a large number of slides and videoclips.

    Software programs such as Hypercard, Toolbook and Hyperstudio can be used to control a videodisc player through the serial port on a computer. This control allows direct access to a single slide or to precisely start and stop a videodisc at any designated point. To my knowledge no one has created a way to control a videodisc player from a web page or to pull images from a videodisc over the Internet automatically.

    Instructional Technology Center videodisc holdings.

    Hunter Library


    The digital designer: 101 graphic design projects for print, the Web, multimedia & motion graphics / Stephen Pite
     Publisher Australia ; New York : Thomson/Delmar Learning, 2003.

    The digital designer: the graphic artist's guide to the new media. / Steven Heller and Daniel Drennan, 1997.


    The photographic vision. Lesson 13, Time and motion [videorecording] / presented by KOCE ; produced by The Coast Community College District in cooperation with Holt, Rinehart and Winston ; producer, Sandra Ostertag ; written by Chris Gallagher and David Hamilton.

    Subject Search

    These are subject terms used by the Library of Congress that are relevant to the topic of this chapter. A subject search can be created with a wide range of libraries to find additional texts and materials. The links below connect with information stored and available from the Hunter Library system.

    Art and Photography

    Graphic Arts


    Computer Art