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The StepsLook: Video ConceptsLook: Video Technical
Look: Animation TechnicalWatch 2D animation being made. Example of using Flash to create a basic animation: Bouncing Ball (7:47) from FlashLearner.com. Watch, don't do. Before beginning it is helpful to see someone working in the Flash "kitchen" or development environment and actually create something interesting before starting the series. This will show many of the tools available to the "animation chef". If this had been done by hand by animation artists in a pre-digital studio, this would have taken 35 separate hand drawn designs, which would have then required 35 photographs to convert it to film. If needed, YouTube has other examples of "chefs" creating simple and complex Flash animations. Skim Resources:
EvokeVideo Having read the Screencasting tutorial above, create a sixty second or so mininum screencast that teaches. Pick a topic that is in your area of specialty/concentration and might be taught during your field experience this semester. Use the screencasting software appropriate for your operating system. Insert your video into your Powerpoint slide and Insert your video into your Blog posting using the same procedures that we used in the last chapter to insert audio but use a video tag instead. Animation Your challenge is to create an animated GIF related to your PPT slide and blog posting and insert in your Powerpoint and and blog posting. Watch and work thru a short Flash animation routine that we will start in class; but some changes are needed from what is shown in how to save/create the animation beginning with step 6 of the series. The final product needs to be a gif file and this requires selection of the correct Flash player (version 5, 6 or 7). Be sure and review the additional assignment details. Class teaming Programming and Robotics Continue your work with Lego Robotics kits and programming. Using the Robot Educator Tutorials, complete and test programs and robot builds for detect Distance - 14; Detect Touch - 18; Hit Red Ball - 20. Keep all programs in the same folder. |
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