The StepsLook: ConceptsRead. An Introduction to Understanding and Composing with 3D & Sensors Read. The Knowledge Society that is born of the ongoing data explosion. Note the 2D Flash animations used in the context of this essay to help with the understanding of ideas and the screencasts within that explain how they were created with Adobe Flash. This is a significant reading so start it as soon as possible. TechnicalRead and do 3D. Second Life Tutorial. Open an account with this online collaborative 3D application, Second Life and make an avatar and send me your avatar's first and last name. Visit my garden sensors web data at the same time on 3 or more different days (or the same day) and copy and paste the data into an Excel file and graph the data. Be ready with an analysis of what you observe. Optional 3D Animated GIFs, article and images |
Evoke3DInvent/create a 3D product that supplements or complements the ideas of your blog posting. Go to the site tinkercad.com and "signup for free account". This is necessary for the site to save your work between editings. Click the Learn link at the top and complete the ten lessons that the site provide. Complete a 3D design using the knowledge that you now have, saving your work from each session. Further, invent/imagine what sensors will be added to the product and how they will function and provide information to your mobile device or other Net technology. Add something to the product that represents how sensor technology might be integrated. When done, write a script for and create a screen movie (no longer than 2 minutes) that describes your product, including its approximate size in inches, while you rotate it on the screen to point out various features, and what this product will do and for whom when it is manufactured. You may indicate that further design elements are planned and when done what they will do even if they are not present. Upload this screen movie into the ongoing blog posting or feel free to create a new blog posting with a new educational theme to which the invention applies. For an example, see this blog posting (towards bottom of it, titled TinkerCad1). Insert this screen movie video into both your blog site and in your Powerpoint slide set. Sensors/Robotics* For this chapter, complete these 3 training activities: #16-Detect a Line (Common Palette); #17-Follow a Line (Common Palette); and #34-Calibrate a Sensor (Complete Palette) and invent a fourth robot program that combines all that you have learned to date in the tutorials you have completed. Keep these 4 new programs in your same coding folder. Modify your robot to add the necessary sensor for line following which may or may not require removing existing elements. Check out a camera from CEAP or use an existing camera of your own to create a narrated movie of the robot carrying out the actions of your fourth program, 1 to 2 minutes in length. Upload this in Blackboard, not to your blog or PPT slides. * eCROP site: contribute at least 1 personally authentic question related to this chapter on 3D and sensors and 1 contribution to someone else's question related to this chapter. Use "3D and Sensors" as part of the title of your question to make it easy to find. * The midterm exam is March 4. See the Midterm Exam review guidelines in the chapters list. |