Reviewing GIS Software for K-12 Education

This page reflects on the value and resources for integrating GIS software in public education. GIS stands for Geographic Information Systems.

There are four major criteria for selecting software in education that are considered here.

  1. Does the computer application serve an important educational purpose or multiple important purposes?
  2. Is it low cost?
  3. Is it well written (e.g., bug free; easy to use; accurate; etc.)
  4. Are there compelling tutorial programs that efficiently educate students and teachers about its potential use? There are many fine software programs of value to the educational community, but most assume prior training in its concepts and use and do not yet provide the tools to teach teachers and students about the program. This last criterion often makes the difference between a program that becomes an important educational teaching tool and one that has just a few enthusiastic users.
GIS software in general clearly meets the first criterion. Currently, ArcVoyager is the leader in software application based on these four criteria and there appears to be no close second. However, many fine developments and product are available and underway.

There are also many GIS programs with new developments that this author has not had time to examine. Are there other GIS programs and projects that deserve high scores in the four categories provided on this web page? Visit the discussion thread on this question. If knowledgeable about such resources, please respond via the discussion thread link.

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