Editing Web Pages with Netscape 4.0

    These instructions assume that you are using Netscape 4.0 or later.


  1. Hold everything. Until you better understand the linking process, you should turn off a couple of features in Netscape 4.0. Click on Edit in the menu bar. Drag down to Preferences. On the left of this dialog box will be an outline. Click on the Composer triangle to open the folder. Then click on the word within, Publish. In the right of the dialog box will be two fields or topics with check boxes. Remove the check boxes from both (Maintain Links and Keep Images with Page).


  2. Now, let's find the web page editor and create some web page files!

    In the menu bar at the top of the screen, click on the Lighthouse icon (in some Mac versions) or the word Communicator in the menu bar. Drag down to Page Composer.

  3. Next, make a heading for your page. In the toolbars, click on the word normal and select Heading 2. Now type. On the right side of the toolbar discover how to center this title for the top of your Web page.

  4. Label your web page. To do this, click on Format in the menu bar and drag down to Page Properties. When this dialog box opens, click the heading at the top that says general. Fill in the fields for Title, Author, Description, Keyword. What you enter in the Title field will be its bookmark title. It is common and logical for the heading at the top of your web page to be the same as the bookmark title. Use your name as Author. In the Description field, put a brief but thorough description of what this web page contains. If it is your home page, then describe briefly its major sub-headings. In the keyword field put all the words that you would want others to enter in a search engine to potential find this web page.

  5. Make a footer for the bottom of each of your web pages. In normal size type, move down about 15 lines or carriage returns and type [ Page Author: First-name Last-name. Home Page.] Every web page as with every page of any assignment or publication should indicate the author's name and provide a link back to your previous web pages at your web site.

  6. Save the file as index.html and place it in a new folder that you create on your disk called Web. This will be your home page.

  7. Repeat the process and make a second page. On all other pages that you create, you can save the file with the extension .html or .htm at the end of the file name. The Windows version of Netscape Composer adds the extension .htm automatically when it is saved. You will have to add .html if you want to use a four character extension. Just consistently use one or the other. A new page will need a different heading and different labels. The footer stays the same. Save this new file in your web folder by a new file name, such as resume.htm or courses.htm.

  8. Repeat the process and make a third page. This page will need different heading and different labels. The footer stays the same. Save this file in your web folder by a new file name, such as resume.htm or courses.htm.


  9. Link these pages. Return to the home page (open the file index.html in Page Composer). That is, click on File, drag to Open and find your web folder on your diskette and then your home page file (index.html). On this home page, type the words for the title of your second web page into the middle of your home page. Select or highlight those words.

  10. Next, click the chain link symbol in the toolbar area and type in the name of the file name of your second web page (such as courses.htm). Once this is completed, save this file.

  11. Do the chain link symbol again. Link your home page to your third page (such as resume.htm).

  12. Now, link your second and third pages back to your home page. Open the file that is your second page and in the footer after your author name, highlight or select the words Home Page. Click the chain link symbol in the toolbar area and in the dialog box enter the file name of your home web page (index.html). Once this is completed, save this file. Do this procedure again to link your third page back to your home page.


  13. Test your design. There are several ways to do this. Right now you can click the ship's wheel (the preview button) to take your web pages for a test cruise. The links from your home page should bring up your other files (web pages). Now let us test this file as if you had left the lab and come back on another day. Quit and restart Netscape. Click on File and drag to Open. From the open command choose Navigator to test your links. Choose Composer to return to the editor to make more changes.

  14. By linking these three web pages or files you have completed the first steps in making a web site. You now have three web pages. You will make many more. A web site is a collection of linked and inter-related web pages.


  15. But before you build more basic web pages, do more work on the ones that you already have. Open your resume file (resume.htm) and enter some relevant information. For contact information you might provide an email address, but I would not recommend adding a phone number as that is perhaps too personal.

    You also need to expand your professional studies or courses page. One could open your courses file (courses.htm) and enter the names of courses, workshops and training events that you have taken which would take a long time to remember and enter. There is a better way.

    There is a fast way to do this that will completely replace the courses.htm page you may have just created. For a list of university courses, the University information system will provide you with the information you need. Some of you may not yet be familiar with using WIN (Western's Information network). It is time you mastered it:

      The WIN Edit Procedure
    1. The Computer Center provides a Help button on the WIN home page that leads you to information on how to use the WIN system. Using WIN and Netscape, go to the University's WIN page and have the University's system make you a web page with all the courses you have taken so far at WCU. Use the Help button to get answers on how to enter the system.
    2. Once you have made your courses page visible in Netscape Navigator, move the data into Composer by clicking on File and select the Edit Page command.
    3. Next delete everything but the course names so that personal data such as grades or social security number, etc. is not revealed on the Internet. Save this edited file to your diskette into your Web folder.
    4. Make a link between your courses page and the work of this course, Computers in Education.
    5. Later in the semester you could edit this page to include a sentence or two description of each course which is helpful in understanding what you have been studying.
    6. Later you may choose to create links between selected course titles and work that was created in those other courses.

Return to where you had been by using the back arrow in your browser and take the next step to review or learn how to publish what you have created.

Page updated August 31, 1998.
[Web Work.]