A Lesson Plan - Title? 

NCSC of S:




Materials and equipment 
 Computer Access. Check, underline or highlight the computer access option or options for this lesson: 
  • 1. The $800 to $2,000 dollar classroom solution: 1 computer for a whole class with no projection to the whole class
  • 2. The $1,100 solution: 1 computer with small groups
  • 3. The $2,900 solution: 1 computer with projection system
  • 4. The $10,000 solution: a set of 7 computers for teams of students from 2-7 students
  • 5. The $40,000 solution: trips to a computer lab
  • 6. The $30,000 solution: a set of wireless laptop computers for every child in the teacher's classroom
  • 7. The $6,300 solution: a set of wireless, color handheld computers for every child in the classroom

  • 8. The $2,000 solution: a set of non-wireless, non-color non-rechargeable battery PDAs for every child in the classroom
Interdisciplinary Connections:


Unique Learner Differentiation: 

Lesson Plan Template Headings by Janice Holt, adapted Bob Houghton

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Page Author:  Bob Houghton