Web Broadcasting

When watching the evening news, talk shows or weather reports, viewers understand that presenters are in a TV studio, surrounded by multiple cameras and their operators. Someone in a control room makes decisions about which camera to use and what actions that camera operator should take, such as zooming in or out. Software running on personal computers can be used in a similar way to create a multi-camera shoot, putting the TV studio in your classroom or on location at a school event. For live viewing at a designated time, the software may provide a Web addresses to distribute to those who will watch or the software will send the video to another computer with greater capacity, a video server, that will distribute the video to thousands of other computers simultaneously. The event could also be recorded and uploaded for playback at another time, or both. Some software runs from the local hard drive and other runs online.

Such applications include:


For more details, see Robin Good's article, "Broadcast Yourself Live On The Web: Best Tools To Create Your Own Live Web TV - A Mini-Guide".


I'm looking for a good example of a multi-camera shoot done with personal computer. Let me know if you run across something.


Version 1.0 | January 8, 2010 Page author: Houghton