Script Storyboard  - Chapter One Opener

12 seconds. 5 clips, 4 students in scene with pc's seen from side; master teacher Mrs. Pannell assisting; Venn diagrams by students; pair of students consulting; intern teacher Leslie Fort coaching. Computers are a regular part of the educational experience for teachers and administrators. These fourth graders put their Internet research into Venn diagrams to compare colonial times with the present.
Time Video Audio
4 s. 2 clips, administrator Steve Brown leading teachers at computer and at planning table.  This administrator is teaching educators how to write grants. 
8 s. 1 clips, in computer lab, Intern teacher Amy Cannon teaching to group on floor in front of computer monitor This fourth grade class has been researching money. They are preparing to create an electronic slideshow about their work using Powerpoint software.
15 s. 3  clips, Amy still talking to students then walking and assisting in the computer lab Learning to use this technology wisely and effectively in education requires in-depth study. Such study also requires considerable experience with using it for personal and professional needs. This chapter will lead you into this study.

Page author: Houghton